Monday, April 7, 2014

Visits to Geography Series

by Simply Charlotte Mason

Categories: Geography, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece,  Europe

Suggested Grades: 1 - 12, Family

Product Description:

Simply Charlotte Mason (SCM) has made geography a gentle approach with their Visits to... series. In these studies students will be able to see pictures of real places and real people. This study works with Hungry Planet and Material World by Peter Menzel, to give you a traveler's first hand account of these amazing places and people.

SCM also uses many other great living books in each series that of course corresponds to that series. Most of these books you can find at your local library, ebay, or

Along with great living books SCM has included a step-by-step map study. Throughout the study the child is given a copy of the continent with a few places named on the map. With each Visit to... (lesson)  the child gradually adds more and more places on the map. This kind of map study allows the child to memorize the map of the continent in a gentle approach.

Charlotte Mason methods used in this study are living books, narration and discussion questions, map study, and activities.

These studies correspond to SCM's family study handbooks.

Visits to Africa - Genesis through Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt
Visits to Middle East - Joshua through Malachi & Ancient Greece
Visits to Europe - Matthew through Acts & Ancient Rome
Visits to North America - Modern Times, Epistles & Revelation
Visits to South and Central America, Australia
Visits to Asia (Coming Soon)

Charlotte Mason methods used in this study includes: Living Geography, Living Books, Map Study, Narrating, and Hands On Activities.

Price for these Items
$14.95 Printed Book
$9.95 Ebook

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