Saturday, July 19, 2014

Speaking French with Miss Mason and François Volume 1

by Cherrydale Press

Categories: Foreign Language

Suggested Grades: 1-12, Family

Product Description:

This foreign language study of French by Cherry Dale Press takes the methods that Charlotte Mason used, the Gouin series, to teach us. Cherry Dale Press has of course updated this study from the time Charlotte used it to includes words of today, but the same methods are there. This study is to be studied over the course of 2-3 years. 

Not sure what ages to start with? Cherrydale Press has answered these questions and many others on their Questions page. 

For adults and older students, Cherrydale Press recommends, for work on pronunciation and grammar and for good reading and culture resources.

To read more about how the Gouin series works, visit Cherry Dale Press.

Price for this Item
$30.00 Hardback 

$20.00 Ebook
$20.00 MP3 

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